Black Speculative Arts Movement: "Beyond Wakanda" The Future of Afrofuturism

A day long conference of artist, authors, animators, technologist, coders, dancers, graphic artist, students and community to come together in a spirit of exploration on the state and future of AfroFuturism and its impact to advance our communities.

Beyond Wakanda means post capitalist organizations that have people more at the center more than just profits, or just have more democracy and self-governing collectives that provide more sustainable wealth for everyone. We seek to deepen, as Kodwo Eshun has phrased it in his article Further Considerations on Afrofuturism (2003), our Afrofutures “tool kit developed for and by Afrodiasporic intellectuals” with the imperative “to code, adopt, adapt, translate, misread, rework, and revise” visions of the black imagination and aspiration alongside a critical appraisal of the utopic, technologically sophisticated city state and space of Wakanda, the mythical black nation untouched by colonization.  Black Panther simultaneously embodies and problematizes the Black Diasporic and Pan African imagination. At the same time, it unfurls the curtain of Afrofuturism steeped in a stunning panoramic vision of African traditions combined with magic, technology, vibranium, fashion and fashionable wearables, multidimensional Feminist black women with careers, love interests and ambition, sensitive and vulnerable leaders, complex villains and flawed allies.  

When: Friday, June 1, 2018 10am - 3pm

Where: CSUEB Oakland campus, Oakland Professional Development and Conference Center, Transpacific Centre, 1000 Broadway, Suite 109, Oakland, CA 94607


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